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Liver recipient
Age 56 ~ Madison, WI

Sponsored by Astellas Pharma US, Inc.

Claire Goudeau’s life as a nurse could not prepare her for liver failure, which left her confused and emaciated. Thanks to a liver transplant, she now cares for her aging parents and volunteers to encourage others to commit to being organ donors.

Claire's Story

Claire Goudeau, 56, has worked as a nurse for more than 30 years. During that time, she cared for many people who were in need of organ transplantation. She never imagined that one day she would be in need of a transplant. But when she unknowingly contracted hepatitis in 2004, her liver failed. She developed hepatic encephalopathy – her brain developed dementia-like symptoms, and her muscles started deteriorating as a result of the toxins in her body.

Claire was placed on the transplant list and due to dire condition, she received her new liver in just four days. Within hours after her surgery, she could feel the difference -- her color returned, and her head felt much clearer.

“I am blessed to be able to say that I have had my liver transplant for over two fabulous years. I am no longer emaciated and confused. I now refer to myself as ‘fat and sassy,’” said Claire.

A year after her transplant, Claire entered the cycling events at the U.S. Transplant Games in Louisville, KY. “Just the fact that I was able to enter the events or even drive to Kentucky was a miracle,” she recalled. “A year prior, I could not climb one stair! I am proud to say that I won a silver medal in the 20K cycling race. To observe and listen to the other organ recipients was uplifting and left me in awe. And to think that none of us would be alive today if not for organ donation and transplantation!”

Claire is now caring for her elderly parents who require support. “Without my transplant, I would never have been able to assist them with caregiving. I am forever grateful that I can help them."

Claire also started a bicycle club for transplant recipients of all ages, from kids to seniors. The club is now two seasons strong and keeps many members healthy, positive and happy.

“I feel motivated and inspired to educate people about organ donation and to support those with transplants. I have been fortunate to be included in volunteer activities to promote donation and to encourage the public to sign their drivers’ licenses for organ donation. Transplantation not only saved my life, it gave me a different perspective on living it. I have always loved life, but nothing like I do now.”