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Kidney Recipient
Age 29 ~ Ossining, NY
Healthcare administration

Sponsored by
UKRO (University Kidney Research Organization)

Mary Wu was diagnosed with chronic kidney failure at age three. At age four, Mary received her first kidney transplant, allowing her to enjoy elementary school. At age eleven, her transplanted kidney began to fail, and months later, Mary received a second kidney. "My life was saved by the parents of a girl who donated her kidneys in their time of unimaginable grief," said Mary. "I vowed to live life to the fullest and help others as a tribute." Mary is an active member of the organ donation community. "In every article, registry drive and event where I share my story, my donors and their families are there. I think about them every day."

Mary's Story

At birth Mary Wu appeared healthy, so her parents, who were born in China, were shocked when she was diagnosed with chronic kidney failure at age three. Suddenly, they were forced to learn medical terms such as 'organ donation,' 'dialysis,' and 'kidney transplant.' The concepts were foreign and frightening to them, but they still underwent tests to see if they could donate a kidney to her. Unfortunately, neither was a match. In October 1985, Mary started peritoneal dialysis. In 1987, at age four and a half, Mary received her first kidney transplant.

"I do not remember my young childhood of procedures, needles, and dialysis treatments. For me, my memories and my life began after that first kidney transplant." Mary walked, talked, ate like never before, made friends, went to school, danced to 80s music with her older sister, and laughed with her parents. As she grew, however, the lifetime of immunosuppressant medications caused weight gain, uncontrollable bladder issues, and developmental concerns with Mary's left hip and lumbar spine.

When Mary was almost twelve, her first transplanted kidney began to fail, with only 10% function left. Mary was put on the national waiting list in February 1995 and prepped for hemodialysis. Three months later, Mary received her second kidney transplant. "My life was saved by the parents of a deceased four-year-old girl, who chose to donate her kidneys in their time of unimaginable grief. I vowed then that I was going to live my life to the fullest and help others as a tribute to the families of my two donors."

Now, after nearly 17 successful years with her second transplanted kidney, Mary is an advocate and active member of the organ donation and transplant community through her writing, public speaking, and involvement with the Transplant Support Organization, New York Organ Donor Network, National Kidney Foundation, TRIO Youth Circle, Transplant Speakers International, and UKRO (University Kidney Research Organization). "In every article I write, every registry drive I advocate for, and every event where I speak publicly about my life story, my donors and their families are there. I think about them every day."

In her personal life, Mary loves swimming, baking, cooking, traveling, and spending precious time with my family and friends. As the primary chemo scheduler at Memorial-Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in Sleepy Hollow, NY, she work with a group of caring nurses, doctors, and administrative staff. Together, they provide optimal care to their patients.

"My incredible health journey has taught me that we are stronger than we imagine, we can connect with people who inspire and teach us, and, most of all, we must continue to enjoy this extraordinary ride of life rather than focus on our destination."