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Organ Donor
Age 28 ~ Mora, MN
Date of Donation: 10/30/05
Hospital: Abbott Northwestern Hospital, Minneapolis

Honored by LifeSource

For 28 years, Karlynn Johnson was an energetic, fun-loving daughter and ultimately a wife and mother. Her son, Grant Russell, was born in May 2005. On October 29, 2005, she died of complications from brain surgery to remove a benign mass. “When we were first asked to consider organ donation, we didn’t know what Karlynn would want,” said her mother Marna. “We checked Karlynn’s purse and her driver's license said ‘donor’! That was an answer to our prayers because we knew that the decision to donate had been made by Karlynn.” Karlynn donated life-saving organs to five people. Her husband, Derek, said: “What a blessing she was to our lives. I'm constantly reminded of the eternal impact her life has had (and is continuing to have) on those who knew her.” Karlynn’s father, Wyman, affirmed, "We take advantage of every opportunity to share our story and encourage individuals to register to be organ donors.“