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Organ and Eye Donor
Age 53 ~ Eagan, MN
Date of Donation: 2/22/04
Hospital: United Hospital, St. Paul

Honored by LifeSource and Minnesota Lions Eye Bank

Shortly after celebrating her 32nd wedding anniversary, 53-year-old Anne Laumer collapsed from a brain aneurysm. As her family waited anxiously in the hospital that February, they overheard another family, whose young child had just died, discuss donation of their child’s organs. Anne had never discussed organ donation with her family, but they decided that donation would be a meaningful way to realize some good from this tragedy.

Anne's kidneys, liver and heart helped four people to lead better lives, while her donation of eyes gave four people improved vision through cornea and sclera transplants. Countless others will benefit from the research enabled by the donation of her other organs.

In 2005, a year after her death, Anne’s widower Ronald met Ruth Lovegren, whose husband Curt (another floragraph honoree) had succumbed to a brain aneurysm. Ruth, too, had donated her spouse’s organs and eyes. Married in September 2006, Ronald and Ruth now volunteer regularly together on behalf of the Donate Life mission.