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Organ, Eye and Tissue Donor
Age 35 ~ Miami, FL
Date of Donation: 10/7/07
Hospital: Jackson Memorial

Honored by Life Alliance Organ Recovery Agency

On October 5, 2007, 35-year-old Frank Paliswait was in a serious accident. By the next day, his brain scan showed no activity, and his mother, Nancy Hall, was informed that nothing more could be done. Although Frank had never discussed the subject of organ and tissue donation with his mother, there was no doubt in her mind that Frank would want to make a difference in others’ lives.

“As a donor mother and single parent of an only child, his gift of life has seen me through my darkest hours,” said Nancy. “I cannot express how much my husband and I appreciate the amount of support we have received from the Life Alliance Organ Recovery Agency staff. I volunteer on behalf of organ donation and will continue to volunteer as a small token of my appreciation.”