Alec Michael Murray

Type of Donation: tissue
Age and Location: Age 13 – Reno, NV
Donation Date: 6/09/2016
Sponsor: Honored by Nevada Donor Network
13-year-old Alec Michael Murray of Reno, Nevada came into this world on July 11, 2005. He shared a birthday with the anniversary of Slurpee – which delighted him to enjoy the free treat every year.
Alec was quite a character and always lit up an event with his goofy antics. His joys in life included camping, fishing, hiking, exploring, skiing, watching movies, playing video games and board games. He loved binge-watching movies and reading books. The Hobbit and Harry Potter series were some of his favorites. Alec proudly kept his hair like Frodo's from The Lord of the Rings for some time. He was incredibly creative, even inventing his own knot to tie his shoes. He made many friends in school, Cub Scouts, and Boy Scouts. Alec was a foodie and at one point created his own sushi roll! His favorites were still the classics – mainly Kraft macaroni and cheese or bean and cheese burritos, which he considered high-end cuisine. His favorite color was green. Alec had a sweet disposition and adored animals – especially turtles. He had a keen sense of humor and the sweetest smile. Above all, Alec was a true and loyal friend. Nothing was more sacred to him than the gift of friendship.
After finishing his 8th grade year with nearly straight A's and looking forward to attending Reno High School in the fall, he experienced heartbreak for the first time. After a breakup with his first girlfriend, Alec took his own life on June 8, 2019.
Many say the gift of donation is more than just a physical transfer and that something else comes with it. Alec's donated tissues have healed at least 85 different people. If any of his recipients start suddenly wearing green and craving Kraft mac and cheese, we'll know why.