Leia Parker

Type of Donation: organs and corneas
Age and Location: Age 2 – San Diego, CA
Donation Date: 5/13/2019
Sponsor: Honored by Lifesharing
Not long ago, in a galaxy near San Diego, Leia Parker came into the universe. Her Force Awakened and she grew into a happy and bright little girl. Like the Star Wars character she was named after, 2-year-old Leia was a fearless Rebel Princess and General of the Resistance. She ruled the Parker home with joyous laughter and sassiness. Always marching to her own beat, Leia rebelled against the empire and became commander of her parents and older sisters. Her favorite phrase was, "I don't want to!"
Leia was a beautiful, colorful soul who loved mermaids and unicorns. Like the mythical creatures she adored; Leia was "magical" -- a true one of a kind. She loved the movie Coco and would sing the songs into her mother's make-up brush as if it were a microphone. Leia carried a Tula blanket wherever she went and spread joy, aloha and rainbows to all.
On Star Wars Day in 2019, this Rebel General bravely began her last battle. After her starship left the earth, Leia saved 3 lives as an organ donor. Her heart is now beating in a young child and her liver is keeping a toddler alive. Her kidneys rescued a patient who had spent 8 years on the waiting list and her corneas gave sight to two young women.
Leia gave each recipient A New Hope. Her Force is with them…