Dominique Overturf

Type of Donation: Kidney living donor
Age and Location: Age XX – CITY, ST
Date of Donation: xx/xx/2023
Sponsor: Honored by Donor Network West
Dominique Overturf has been a lifelong giver. Her first donation was in elementary school when she donated 10 inches of her hair to Locks of Love. Once she was in high school, she started participating in her school's blood drives and donated so often that she received a special red cord to wear at graduation. During the pandemic, she donated platelets every other week to help others, and she also really enjoyed the snacks provided afterward, finding joy in the small things. In January of 2023, Dominique made the selfless decision of becoming an altruistic donor. She donated one of her kidneys to an anonymous donor, starting a four-person kidney chain. She was back to her regular life after five weeks of rest. She has returned to her regular life of bar trivia with friends, baking, making fun of bad movies with her bestie, reading a book out of her library, or being silly with her fiancée, Spencer.