2019 Michael Davis

Name:                                     Michael Davis

Type of Donation:             Organ, eye and tissue donor

Age and Location:             Age 19 – Miami, FL

Donation Date:                   12/31/2015

Sponsor:                                Honored by Life Alliance






Michael Davis was a 19-year-old college sophomore, who aspired to attend law school after graduation.  Michael was an adventurous, fun-loving, kind-hearted free spirit, who always lived life to the fullest!  Kind and loving, his outgoing personality endeared him to everyone, whether you had known him all his life or just a few minutes.  And he had the sweetest smile…

On Christmas Eve 2015, Michael suffered a traumatic brain injury when the car he was riding in was rear-ended by a careless and inattentive driver.  Michael was airlifted to the hospital, but he did not survive.  He did not get the Christmas miracle his family and friends were fervently praying for, but because Michael had registered to be an organ donor at age 16, the prayers of five individuals were answered as the year came to an end.  Michael’s donated heart, lungs, kidneys, pancreas and liver saved five lives.  Michael’s corneas restored the gift of sight to two, and his bone and tissue donations enhanced the lives of 273 people nationwide.  Michael was always a big believer in second chances, so it is fitting that he would be the one to give a second chance to so many others.

Michael’s decision to be an organ donor was a tribute to his father, who lost his life to liver cancer when Michael was 9 years old.  Michael knew that his dad could have been saved by a transplant.  Losing his father at such an early age made a lasting impression upon Michael:  he knew firsthand that life was a gift and that every moment was to be treasured.

“Michael was my only child, the light of my life, and brought me so much joy.  I miss him more than I could ever describe in words, but knowing that he made a difference in the lives of so many has made the loss endurable.  Michael’s death was a tragedy that should have never happened, but because he was an organ donor, Michael’s beautiful spirit lives on.  And I am forever grateful for the blessing of being his mother.”

Vivian Figueras Davis, Michael’s Mom